Css3 Slot Machine Animation

Quick and easy CSS3 rolling-number/slot machine?

And that’s what this post is about, creating a simple CSS spinning loader animation similar to Twitter’s. Although Twitter’s is made from an SVG, it can also be created out of pure CSS using a simple CSS keyframe animation, with nothing but a single HTML element.

Css3 Slot Machine Animation Softwares

* Quick and easy CSS3 rolling-number/slot machine?
body {
font-size: 700%; /* with this setup you get 1:1 em , so 1em is actually number 1 */
#counter {
height: 1em;
overflow: hidden;
.digits {
list-style-type: none;
font-size: 1em;
line-height: 1em;
.digits-first {
margin-top: -4em; /* number 4! */
.digits-second {
margin-top: 0em; /* number 0! */
.digits-third {
margin-top: -4em; /* number 4! */
.digits {
animation-duration: 2s;
animation-timing-function: ease;
animation-delay: 2.2s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
.luckie {
animation-name: luckie;
/* Animations */
@keyframes luckie {
100% {
margin-top: -7em;
Css3 Slot Machine Animation

Slot Machine Logo Reveal is a dynamic animation featuring slot machine with editable icons, rotating gold coin with your logo on it and a Jackpot winning falling to your lap. There are no plugins required, works with any language and renders extremely fast. You can customize the project with ease – everything is linked to a control layer. Selecting a Venue Slot Machine Style I made an app that will pick a venue from a set at random when the user clicks a button. I wanted the random selection to look like a slot machine game. To do this, I decided to try CSS3 and JQuery for the animations. Initially I was using –webkit-keyframes and changing the background positions.

<!-- content to be placed inside <body>…</body> -->
<divid='counter' class='animated'>
<ulclass='digits digits-first luckie'><li> 0 <li> 1 <li> 2 <li> 3 <li> 4 <li> 5 <li> 6 <li> 7 <li> 8 <li> 9 </ul>
<ulclass='digits digits-second luckie'><li> 0 <li> 1 <li> 2 <li> 3 <li> 4 <li> 5 <li> 6 <li> 7 <li> 8 <li> 9 </ul>
<ulclass='digits digits-third luckie'><li> 0 <li> 1 <li> 2 <li> 3 <li> 4 <li> 5 <li> 6 <li> 7 <li> 8 <li> 9 </ul>

Css3 Slot Machine Animation Tutorial

Css slot machine animation

Css Slot Machine Animation

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