Korting Slot Loevestein

Korting slot loevestein casinoSlot Loevestein Castle is situated in a unique location where the river Meuse and Waal join together and the provinces of Gelderland, Brabant and South Holland meet. It was here, in this typically Dutch river landscape, that the knight Dirc Loef van Horne built his castle in 1360. His choice, however, was not determined by the area's outstanding beauty, but by its strategic position. It was the ideal location to defend and from which to levy tolls. Loevestein Castle subsequently served as a military stronghold, as the state prison from which Hugo Grotius escaped in a book chest, and as part of the Dutch Waterline. Thanks to its military past, the area surrounding Loevestein Castle is one of the least spoilt cultural landscapes in the Netherlands and a unique spot where nature and culture unite as one.
  • Korting op Loevestein tickets Ontdek de geschiedenis van Slot Loevestein nu zonder al te diep in je portemonnee te hoeven tasten. Via Uitmetkorting.nl! Verkrijg kortingen via actuele veilingen, e-tickets of de Dagje-Uit-Quiz op deze pagina. Wie weet win je wel gratis Slot Loevestein entreekaartjes.
  • Slot Loevestein is een fort en een kasteel. De geschiedenis van het slot bestaat zo’n 650 jaar en is in te delen in drie verschillende periodes: Middeleeuwen, staatsgevangenis en Hollandse Waterlinie. Deze drie periodes worden gepresenteerd in het slot, waarbij de opmerkelijkste periode de tijd van de staatsgevangenis is. De bekendste gevangen die in het slot vast heeft gezeten is de.
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Slot loevestein kasteel

Slot Loevestein Kasteel

Slot Loevestein, Poederoijen, Netherlands. Slot Loevestein is een kasteel vol verhalen. Volg ons en blijf op de hoogte van alle activiteiten. Slot Loevestein is a fortress and a castle. The history of the castle goes back 650 years and is divided into three periods: Middle Ages, state prison and the Dutch Waterline. The castle illustrates the story of these three periods. The most notable period is the period of the state prison. The most famous prisoner that was locked up in the castle is jurist Hugo Grotius. The bunker, the canals.