Minecraft Inventory Slot 0

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Specifies the item data of the item. Must be an integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas), but values which are invalid for the specified item id revert to 0. If not specified, defaults to 0. Some simple inventory sorting tweaks. Middle click sorts, mousewheel in and out of inventory one item at a time. Quick note: the default keybindings for the mousewheel actions.are. the wheel. If you set them to something else, just reset to recover the wheel operation. Version 1.13 command: New command added in 1.13: /inventorysorter. Slot.armor.feet: 0: Replace the feet armor item on a player, mob or armor stand: slot.armor.head: 0: Replace the head armor item on a player, mob or armor stand: slot.armor.legs: 0: Replace the leg armor item on a player, mob or armor stand: slot.chest: number: Replace an item in a chest (number between 0 and 53 to indicate the slot position in.

Minecraft Inventory Slots

Current developersAzanor
Past developersVazkii
Supported Minecraft versions1.12.2
FTB Builders Paradise
FTB Academy
Unstable 1.7.2

Baubles is a small mod and API by Azanor, which was temporarily taken over by Vazkii until Azanor returned, that is meant to be used by other mods to add additional player inventory slots. The Baubles inventory can be accessed by pressing the B key, by default. This inventory is different from the normal inventory; it adds an amulet, a belt, and two ring slots. As of the 1.10 version, it also adds a head, body and charm slot. Baubles does not add very much content itself, apart from the Miner's Ring. The idea is not to add content, but to be an addon for other mods that add inventory slots.

See also[edit edit source]

Minecraft Inventory Slot

  • Miner's Ring

Minecraft Inventory Slot Numbers

External links[edit edit source]

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