Online Casino Virtual Reality
VR stands for virtual reality, and so a VR casino is an online casino which offers you a virtual reality experience. Virtual reality is a pretty new computer technology, which uses virtual reality headsets to generate realistic graphics, sounds and other elements to create an imaginary environment. Essentially, then, virtual reality allows you. Virtual reality casinos are, in a nutshell, digital versions of brick-and-mortar casinos. Rather than having to fly to Vegas for the weekend, you simply slip on your VR headset and walk through the computer-generated doors onto the floor, just like you would in the real world. Virtual reality has been in the making for the past 60+ years, and even though we’ve seen things ramp up over the past decade, it’s still brand new to the online gambling industry. Google ‘VR casinos’ or ‘virtual reality casinos’ and you’ll see what we mean. Google’s results are pretty scarce. Virtual Reality Casino. In the past, going to a brick and mortar casino was nothing short of an experience. Smoke filled the air from tens of cigarettes being lit and in the distance, you could hear the sounds of dozens of slot machine reels turning and a croupier calling out bets.
Did you ever think that at some point in your life you would be able to go to the casino…without going to the casino?
Yes, you heard that correctly. “Going without going” is absolutely a thing you can do now all thanks to Virtual Reality.
If you’re suddenly too excited for words and want to get started right away, here are some of the best virtual reality betting sites out there:
For those of you who are still unsure as to whether you woke up in a science fiction novel this morning, we will now dive deeper into the various features and questions that come along with virtual reality. Some of these topics include what exactly virtual reality is, how gambling and virtual reality go together and why you should care to gamble with virtual reality.
Gambling and Virtual Reality?
Why You Should Care
A Brief Look Back
Where We Go From Here?
What Is Virtual Reality?
Virtual reality can be defined as an advanced technology that uses headsets to generate lifelike images, sounds and other senses.
Where exactly did this amazing technology come from, and when did the future arrive so suddenly?
When most people think of virtual reality, they think of video games. While it is true that they are used in video games, this is not the only place that you can find virtual reality.
You can find this advanced technology in space agencies for spacewalk training, hospitals for surgery training and flight simulators for pilot training. However, the main use for virtual reality that we will be focusing on today is related to online casino games.
By clicking on the buttons below, you will be able to explore the history of virtual reality as well as some of our top choices for online casinos that feature virtual reality technology in their games.
How Do Gambling and Virtual Reality Go Together?
The real question should be, how do they NOT go together?
First of all, virtual reality offers people a way to gamble from the comfort of their own home while still feeling like they are actually in a casino. No other technology is capable of achieving this feat, which makes these two quite a compatible pair.
In addition to this, you will still be able to clearly see what cards or numbers are picked in a virtual casino. There is no drop-off in visual quality when you consider gambling in virtual reality compared to gambling elsewhere, which is why it is called virtual REALITY. It looks and feels extremely real, and even though it isn’t real, you can still gamble with real money!
Now that you know how well these two work together, you should consider learning some casino games to play in this virtual world. Below we have linked you to our almighty Casino Gambling Guide to get you started on your virtual adventures!
Why Should You Care to Gamble with Virtual Reality?
For starters, by gambling in virtual reality, you end up saving yourself a ton of time and money compared to going to a brick and mortar casino. To name just a few of the perks, you don’t have to pay for gas, you don’t have to tip the waiters or dealers and you don’t have to inhale cigarette smoke.
Another reason virtual reality is great for gambling is that you don’t have to worry about being seen in a casino. Some people do not want anyone to know that they gamble, and so a virtual world is perfect for such players.
For more information on the various benefits that come from playing on virtual reality casinos, click on the “Benefits of Using VR Casinos” button below. For those of you who are more interesting in learning about the main differences between land-based casinos and virtual reality casinos, give the “Land Casinos vs VR Casinos” button a click.
Land Casinos vs VR Casinos
A Brief Look Back to Where We Started
Ah yes, the 1990’s. An innocent time before there were any Bitcoins to invest in. Instead, they had the Internet boom where every venture capitalist and investor was pouring every dollar they could get their hands on into Internet startup companies in hopes that they would explode in popularity.
One type of Internet start-up company that started popping up in the 1990’s were online casinos. The very first gambling sites were created thanks to gambling software from Microgaming who was way ahead of their time in addition to Cryptologic paving the way for safe transactions to happen.
This lethal combination of security and quality software wasn’t enough, though. In order for gambling sites to exist, there first needed to be companies that granted licenses to those casinos that qualified as safe. This happened in 1994 when Antigua and Barbuda passed their famous Free Trade & Processing Act, allowing them to grant licenses to companies that applied.
The very first company that launched an online casino was Microgaming themselves, which makes sense since they had access to tons of games. This casino was called The Gaming Club, and it was launched in 1995.
By the time 1997 rolled around, there were over 200 gambling websites on the Internet compared to under 20 the year before. This sort of explosion was to be expected since everybody loves a good gamble now and then, especially from the comfort of their own home.
After a while, people began to realize that gambling from home is sort of lonely sometimes since you miss out on all of the human interaction. This is when casinos started to introduce the Live Dealer games in which you can talk to a human dealer via webcam while they deal for you on a table in a remote location.
If you thought that the innovation of the Internet gambling community would end with the Live Dealer feature, then you were sadly mistaken. In recent years, gaming developers have come up with a way to use Oculus Rift Virtual reality goggles to play online casino games in virtual reality! This is an extraordinary breakthrough in technology, and it is scary to think about what the future could hold as far as realistic gaming experiences from the comfort of your own home.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Technology has been advancing at an insane rate for hundreds of years now. According to Moore’s Law, the best computer processing speeds double every 18 months, causing an exponential increase in technological capabilities.
Since virtual reality is on the cutting edge of our current level of technology, we expect to see some significant advances to it in the next couple of decades. This could mean anything from gambling with real money in your dreams to going into alternate dimensions to play casino games.

Whatever the future holds, it is sure to be exciting. Virtual reality will catch on in popularity eventually, just like the television did after a few years of prying people away from their radios. We don’t know about you, but we want to be in the front row for all of the excitement when things start to change.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Virtual Reality Gambling Going to Take Over Traditional Gambling?
Only time will tell, but it seems like it has a very good chance of doing so. Technology is advancing at an exponential rate, so it would be foolish to assume that it is done growing now. Once it reaches a level where it is undoubtedly a better experience to play in a VR casino than playing elsewhere, virtual reality gambling should really start to take off.
Are There Any Casinos That Currently Utilize Virtual Reality Technology That I Can Go Try Out?
Yes, there are! To check some of them out, give our “Virtual Reality Casinos” button a click at the top of the page. We gave these virtual reality casinos a good in-depth look, and you will find nothing but our honest opinions of each one.
Do I Need Any Special Equipment for Virtual Reality Gambling?
Yes, you will need your very own pair of Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles. These are currently selling for around $400 for the basic pair, and the expensive ones can reach upwards of $800.
What Is the Name of the Most Popular Virtual Reality Casino?
SlotsMillion is certainly the number one virtual reality casino at the moment. You can expect many more of them to pop up in the near future.
Will I Know That I Am in Virtual Reality When I Have the Goggles On?
Yes. These are not dreaming goggles. You will still be in this dimension and you will still be using the same consciousness that you use on Earth. The only difference is that you just sense things differently and in vivid detail.
Our Closing Thoughts
Virtual reality may be in its infant stages at the moment, but it is clear that the technology is here to stay. This is especially true in the online casino world where there are a ton of uses for virtual reality, as can already be seen in the virtual reality casinos that are popping up lately.
The only reason why every casino does not have this technology already is that it is very expensive and tough to create. As time goes on, this will no longer be the case though, and we might see virtual reality take over as an online casino standard in as soon as five years.
Did you ever think that at some point in your life you would be able to go to the casino…without going to the casino?
Yes, you heard that correctly. “Going without going” is absolutely a thing you can do now all thanks to Virtual Reality.
If you’re suddenly too excited for words and want to get started right away, here are some of the best virtual reality betting sites out there:
For those of you who are still unsure as to whether you woke up in a science fiction novel this morning, we will now dive deeper into the various features and questions that come along with virtual reality. Some of these topics include what exactly virtual reality is, how gambling and virtual reality go together and why you should care to gamble with virtual reality.
Gambling and Virtual Reality?
Why You Should Care
A Brief Look Back
Where We Go From Here?
What Is Virtual Reality?
Virtual reality can be defined as an advanced technology that uses headsets to generate lifelike images, sounds and other senses.
Where exactly did this amazing technology come from, and when did the future arrive so suddenly?
When most people think of virtual reality, they think of video games. While it is true that they are used in video games, this is not the only place that you can find virtual reality.
You can find this advanced technology in space agencies for spacewalk training, hospitals for surgery training and flight simulators for pilot training. However, the main use for virtual reality that we will be focusing on today is related to online casino games.
By clicking on the buttons below, you will be able to explore the history of virtual reality as well as some of our top choices for online casinos that feature virtual reality technology in their games.
How Do Gambling and Virtual Reality Go Together?
The real question should be, how do they NOT go together?
First of all, virtual reality offers people a way to gamble from the comfort of their own home while still feeling like they are actually in a casino. No other technology is capable of achieving this feat, which makes these two quite a compatible pair.
In addition to this, you will still be able to clearly see what cards or numbers are picked in a virtual casino. There is no drop-off in visual quality when you consider gambling in virtual reality compared to gambling elsewhere, which is why it is called virtual REALITY. It looks and feels extremely real, and even though it isn’t real, you can still gamble with real money!
Now that you know how well these two work together, you should consider learning some casino games to play in this virtual world. Below we have linked you to our almighty Casino Gambling Guide to get you started on your virtual adventures!
Why Should You Care to Gamble with Virtual Reality?

For starters, by gambling in virtual reality, you end up saving yourself a ton of time and money compared to going to a brick and mortar casino. To name just a few of the perks, you don’t have to pay for gas, you don’t have to tip the waiters or dealers and you don’t have to inhale cigarette smoke.
Another reason virtual reality is great for gambling is that you don’t have to worry about being seen in a casino. Some people do not want anyone to know that they gamble, and so a virtual world is perfect for such players.
For more information on the various benefits that come from playing on virtual reality casinos, click on the “Benefits of Using VR Casinos” button below. For those of you who are more interesting in learning about the main differences between land-based casinos and virtual reality casinos, give the “Land Casinos vs VR Casinos” button a click.
Land Casinos vs VR Casinos
Online Casino Virtual Reality Games
A Brief Look Back to Where We Started
Ah yes, the 1990’s. An innocent time before there were any Bitcoins to invest in. Instead, they had the Internet boom where every venture capitalist and investor was pouring every dollar they could get their hands on into Internet startup companies in hopes that they would explode in popularity.
One type of Internet start-up company that started popping up in the 1990’s were online casinos. The very first gambling sites were created thanks to gambling software from Microgaming who was way ahead of their time in addition to Cryptologic paving the way for safe transactions to happen.
This lethal combination of security and quality software wasn’t enough, though. In order for gambling sites to exist, there first needed to be companies that granted licenses to those casinos that qualified as safe. This happened in 1994 when Antigua and Barbuda passed their famous Free Trade & Processing Act, allowing them to grant licenses to companies that applied.
The very first company that launched an online casino was Microgaming themselves, which makes sense since they had access to tons of games. This casino was called The Gaming Club, and it was launched in 1995.
By the time 1997 rolled around, there were over 200 gambling websites on the Internet compared to under 20 the year before. This sort of explosion was to be expected since everybody loves a good gamble now and then, especially from the comfort of their own home.
After a while, people began to realize that gambling from home is sort of lonely sometimes since you miss out on all of the human interaction. This is when casinos started to introduce the Live Dealer games in which you can talk to a human dealer via webcam while they deal for you on a table in a remote location.
If you thought that the innovation of the Internet gambling community would end with the Live Dealer feature, then you were sadly mistaken. In recent years, gaming developers have come up with a way to use Oculus Rift Virtual reality goggles to play online casino games in virtual reality! This is an extraordinary breakthrough in technology, and it is scary to think about what the future could hold as far as realistic gaming experiences from the comfort of your own home.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Technology has been advancing at an insane rate for hundreds of years now. According to Moore’s Law, the best computer processing speeds double every 18 months, causing an exponential increase in technological capabilities.
Since virtual reality is on the cutting edge of our current level of technology, we expect to see some significant advances to it in the next couple of decades. This could mean anything from gambling with real money in your dreams to going into alternate dimensions to play casino games.
Whatever the future holds, it is sure to be exciting. Virtual reality will catch on in popularity eventually, just like the television did after a few years of prying people away from their radios. We don’t know about you, but we want to be in the front row for all of the excitement when things start to change.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Virtual Reality Gambling Going to Take Over Traditional Gambling?
Online Casino Virtual Reality Headset
Only time will tell, but it seems like it has a very good chance of doing so. Technology is advancing at an exponential rate, so it would be foolish to assume that it is done growing now. Once it reaches a level where it is undoubtedly a better experience to play in a VR casino than playing elsewhere, virtual reality gambling should really start to take off.
Are There Any Casinos That Currently Utilize Virtual Reality Technology That I Can Go Try Out?
Yes, there are! To check some of them out, give our “Virtual Reality Casinos” button a click at the top of the page. We gave these virtual reality casinos a good in-depth look, and you will find nothing but our honest opinions of each one.
Online Casino Virtual Reality Arcades
Do I Need Any Special Equipment for Virtual Reality Gambling?
Online Casino Virtual Reality Entertainment
Yes, you will need your very own pair of Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles. These are currently selling for around $400 for the basic pair, and the expensive ones can reach upwards of $800.
What Is the Name of the Most Popular Virtual Reality Casino?
SlotsMillion is certainly the number one virtual reality casino at the moment. You can expect many more of them to pop up in the near future.
Will I Know That I Am in Virtual Reality When I Have the Goggles On?
Yes. These are not dreaming goggles. You will still be in this dimension and you will still be using the same consciousness that you use on Earth. The only difference is that you just sense things differently and in vivid detail.
Our Closing Thoughts
Virtual reality may be in its infant stages at the moment, but it is clear that the technology is here to stay. This is especially true in the online casino world where there are a ton of uses for virtual reality, as can already be seen in the virtual reality casinos that are popping up lately.
The only reason why every casino does not have this technology already is that it is very expensive and tough to create. As time goes on, this will no longer be the case though, and we might see virtual reality take over as an online casino standard in as soon as five years.