Short Deck Poker Rules


While Short Deck poker rules may differ in some aspects from those of No-Limit Hold’em, there are many similarities as well. The biggest one is, of course, the fact you’re still playing against people who will have certain tendencies. A good player will look to exploit these tendencies and turn them to their advantage. Deuces through fives are removed from the deck giving the game its name Six Plus Hold’em/6+ or Short Deck Poker. Aces are played both low and high, making both a low-end straight A6789 and the high JQKTA. Also, with a shortened deck, the game changes a bit in terms of hand rankings and rules.

Short Deck Hand Rankings. Check out the below hand rankings, specific to Short Deck, from strongest to weakest. Please note that short deck hand order differs from the official poker hand rankings which you can find on the dedicated page.

Short Deck Poker Rules and Strategy

Short Deck Poker – Overview of the game. Short Deck Hold’em, also known as Six-Plus, is getting more and more popular throughout the world. Many players fell in love with this faced paced game, so it might be time to learn it. While it features most Texas Holdem rules and very similar gameplay, it is actually quite a different game. Short-deck Hold’em poker has been around for several years. You can even play this game online. The action here is more natural. The game initially originated in Asia nut received maximum attention in Europe and North America.

There are several pokervariations developing recently, and today it’s time to talk about Short Deck Poker and why to play itonline. As the name suggests, this game has less cards. All the 2s, 3s, 4s and5s are removed, so the deck is left with just 36 cards. This creates a moreinteresting and action packed game.

The game gained a lot ofpopularity lately, and there are plenty of major tournaments all over the worldthat attract plenty of players, including some of the pros. There are also moreand more casinos that are integrating Short Deck Poker into their offer ofgames.

Among the popular proplayers that are playing this game (also known as Six Plus Poker) we can findNick Schulman, Tom Dwan and Phil Ivey.

Now let’s have a look at thedifferences between Texas Hold’em and Short Deck Poker. As mentioned before,the first and most important difference lies in the cards found in the deck(there are no 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s). The game then takes place just as usual, with2 cards given to each player and bets placed on the flop, the turn and theriver.

But another major differencelies in the rankings of the hands. With those small cards missing, the math ofthe game changes a lot and some hands are now more difficult to make, whileothers are easier.

The ranking of the hands inTexas hold’em is: Royal Flush – Straight Flush – Four of a kind – Full House –Flush – Straight – Three of a kind – Two pairs – Pair – High Card


But in Short Deck poker, theranking is slightly different: Royal Flush – Straight Flush – Four of a kind –Flush – Full House – Three of a kind – Straight – Two pairs – Pair – High Card

So as you can see, now“three of a kind” is better than a “straight”, and a “flush” beats a “fullhouse”. With so many high cards in the game, you have more chances of creatingstrong hands, there is more action, but also more gambling according to somepeople.

Since the odds of the gameare now different, so should be your strategy. In Six Plus poker it’s mucheasier to hit a draw, and the chances of improving your hand increase both inthe flop and the river, compared to Texas hold’em.

As mentioned before, a flushis now a stronger hand because it’s more difficult to make. There are now 6cards of each suit, compared to 13 in Texas hold’em. So in case you have adraw, you have 30 % chances to make the flush by the river and 15 % after theturn (compared to 36 % and 18 % in Texas hold’em).

Straight draws are morecommon in Short Deck Poker and so are the chances to make that straight. Younow have 8 outs on the flop to complete the straight out of 31 cards left inthe deck (compared to 47 in Texas hold’em). So straight draws are good handsand worth to be played more aggressively compared to flush draws for example.

Another thing to keep inmind when doing your Short Deck strategyis that if you have a top pair and a top kick you have just as many chances of winningas someone with a straight draw. This is because top pairs are not as strongbecause of the straight draws that can occur more often.

Since there are few cards inthe deck, you have more chances of seeing high cards pre-flop. In this game youwill get pocket aces once every 100 hands, as opposed to Texas hold’em whereyou can have 2 aces right from the start only once every 221 hands.

In the Six Plus poker game,odds are 8.6 % that you get a pocket pair, compared to just 5.9 % in TexasHold’em. Here you also have 12.7 % chances to hit trips by the river and 33 %chances to receive premier hands such as A-K.

Don’t get too excited thatyou have high cards, as your opponents have just the same odds as you. They arealso likely to have high cards, straight draws and other good hands. So youmust be very careful when deciding to call or to raise. In this game you haveto be willing to fold great hands more often than in Texas hold’em.

Several players tried thegame and felt that it’s a really unique and interesting experience, quitedifferent than a classic game of poker. According to poker player Parker“Tonkaaaap” Talbot, heconsiders Short Deck Poker variant bringing more fun to the game andbeing much more different than other poker games, but he is skeptical it canoverpass popular variants like Texas Holdem or Omaha on the long run.

Short Deck Poker Rules

It is a quick, fun anddynamic game where more players get involve in the pot. It’s fairly new to themarket and it caters to a certain type of player. While not everyone will liketo play Short Deck Poker, there arestill many who will love this game and maybe will switch to it completely.

While some players aresolely focused on Pot Limit Omaha or Razz, we might see players who areworld-class experts in Short Deck. Others are skeptical, saying that this gamerelies more on good luck than on skills, but they might be wrong. If majorprofessional poker players like Tom Dwan and Phil Ivey are playing it, youshould definitely consider giving it a try as well.

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Short Deck Poker Rules and Strategy

There are several pokervariations developing recently, and today it’s time to talk about Short Deck Poker and why to play itonline. As the name suggests, this game has less cards. All the 2s, 3s, 4s and5s are removed, so the deck is left with just 36 cards. This creates a moreinteresting and action packed game.

The game gained a lot ofpopularity lately, and there are plenty of major tournaments all over the worldthat attract plenty of players, including some of the pros. There are also moreand more casinos that are integrating Short Deck Poker into their offer ofgames.

Among the popular proplayers that are playing this game (also known as Six Plus Poker) we can findNick Schulman, Tom Dwan and Phil Ivey.

Now let’s have a look at thedifferences between Texas Hold’em and Short Deck Poker. As mentioned before,the first and most important difference lies in the cards found in the deck(there are no 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s). The game then takes place just as usual, with2 cards given to each player and bets placed on the flop, the turn and theriver.

But another major differencelies in the rankings of the hands. With those small cards missing, the math ofthe game changes a lot and some hands are now more difficult to make, whileothers are easier.

The ranking of the hands inTexas hold’em is: Royal Flush – Straight Flush – Four of a kind – Full House –Flush – Straight – Three of a kind – Two pairs – Pair – High Card

But in Short Deck poker, theranking is slightly different: Royal Flush – Straight Flush – Four of a kind –Flush – Full House – Three of a kind – Straight – Two pairs – Pair – High Card

So as you can see, now“three of a kind” is better than a “straight”, and a “flush” beats a “fullhouse”. With so many high cards in the game, you have more chances of creatingstrong hands, there is more action, but also more gambling according to somepeople.

Since the odds of the gameare now different, so should be your strategy. In Six Plus poker it’s mucheasier to hit a draw, and the chances of improving your hand increase both inthe flop and the river, compared to Texas hold’em.

As mentioned before, a flushis now a stronger hand because it’s more difficult to make. There are now 6cards of each suit, compared to 13 in Texas hold’em. So in case you have adraw, you have 30 % chances to make the flush by the river and 15 % after theturn (compared to 36 % and 18 % in Texas hold’em).

Straight draws are morecommon in Short Deck Poker and so are the chances to make that straight. Younow have 8 outs on the flop to complete the straight out of 31 cards left inthe deck (compared to 47 in Texas hold’em). So straight draws are good handsand worth to be played more aggressively compared to flush draws for example.

Another thing to keep inmind when doing your Short Deck strategyis that if you have a top pair and a top kick you have just as many chances of winningas someone with a straight draw. This is because top pairs are not as strongbecause of the straight draws that can occur more often.

Since there are few cards inthe deck, you have more chances of seeing high cards pre-flop. In this game youwill get pocket aces once every 100 hands, as opposed to Texas hold’em whereyou can have 2 aces right from the start only once every 221 hands.

Short deck poker rules

In the Six Plus poker game,odds are 8.6 % that you get a pocket pair, compared to just 5.9 % in TexasHold’em. Here you also have 12.7 % chances to hit trips by the river and 33 %chances to receive premier hands such as A-K.

Don’t get too excited thatyou have high cards, as your opponents have just the same odds as you. They arealso likely to have high cards, straight draws and other good hands. So youmust be very careful when deciding to call or to raise. In this game you haveto be willing to fold great hands more often than in Texas hold’em.

Short Deck Poker Rules

Several players tried thegame and felt that it’s a really unique and interesting experience, quitedifferent than a classic game of poker. According to poker player Parker“Tonkaaaap” Talbot, heconsiders Short Deck Poker variant bringing more fun to the game andbeing much more different than other poker games, but he is skeptical it canoverpass popular variants like Texas Holdem or Omaha on the long run.

It is a quick, fun anddynamic game where more players get involve in the pot. It’s fairly new to themarket and it caters to a certain type of player. While not everyone will liketo play Short Deck Poker, there arestill many who will love this game and maybe will switch to it completely.

While some players aresolely focused on Pot Limit Omaha or Razz, we might see players who areworld-class experts in Short Deck. Others are skeptical, saying that this gamerelies more on good luck than on skills, but they might be wrong. If majorprofessional poker players like Tom Dwan and Phil Ivey are playing it, youshould definitely consider giving it a try as well.

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Short Deck Poker Rules

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