Silks Restaurant Crown Casino
- Silk Restaurant Crown Casino Perth
- Silks Restaurant Crown Casino Nj
- Silks Restaurant Crown Casino Buffet
- Silks Restaurant Crown Casino Atlantic City
SILKS is a premium high-end Chinese restaurant located in Crown Towers. As you enter, the first thing you notice is the opulence of the place, bright golden colours in an elegant and classy setting. Unlike most old and tasteless Chinese restaurants, Silks is something of. A whole new breed. For a more indepth look at the Nobu dining experience read our review on page 34. More expressions of the Orient are on offer at Crown’s iconic Chinese restaurant, Silks, which has recently welcomed two-Michelin-star chef Peter Chan as the new executive chef. Formerly executive chef of two-Michelin-star restaurant Wing Lei, located at. SILKS is a premium high-end Chinese restaurant located in Crown Towers. As you enter, the first thing you notice is the opulence of the place, bright golden colours in an elegant and classy setting. Unlike most old and tasteless Chinese restaurants, Silks is something of. A whole new breed. The food offered here is of fantastic quality.
I recently received an email from Silks’ restaurant manager Jeffery, inviting me to dine for dinner on a night of my choosing with a guest. Strangely enough it was only the day before that I had been talking about it with my boy who’s birthday was coming up and I was throwing around some suggestions of venues. I knew he was super keen to go to Silks so I was highly contemplating it.
But luckily enough the invite came which meant we got the best of both worlds – Silks and another restaurant for the birthday venue! Understandably the boy was pretty excited when the night rolled around for our booked dinner. I think we both were truthfully!
Silk Restaurant Crown Casino Perth
Silks Restaurant Crown Casino Nj
After our crab the table is cleared in preparation for the ‘main’ portion of the meal. At that point I get another cocktail which is the fleur de cucumber ($20.00) – concocted from gin, campari, apple juice, lime juice and cucumber. It’s light, refreshing and like the other drinks, well balanced. It’s not as tasty as the oriental blossom cocktail I started on, but it still goes down a treat.

Our attention then goes to the final dish of the night, the sesame pudding. It looks an absolute treat – layers of coconut gel, black sesame mousse, coconut crunch and caramelised banana ice-cream. Traditionally whenever I’ve had banquet style Chinese dinners, it usually ends in fruit so it’s nice to see that Silks have created an actual dessert dish with Asian flavours.
The dessert is fantastic, way beyond my expectations. The coconut gel at the bottom has a nice smooth texture which reminds me of almond jelly – I suspect they may have used agar agar in the making as is done with other Asian jellies. The black sesame mousse is creamy and flavoursome, but the real standout is the coconut crunch for texture and the banana ice-cream for absolute knockoutness. It actually tastes like the promised caramelised flavour, coating my mouth and rounding out the flavours in the glass. Very, very tasty!
Needless to say when we left Silks we were both feeling extremely full and sleepy! It’s not very often you can say after a degustation that you’re stuffed to the brim since it’s usually smaller more finicky plates.
If you’re looking for a fine dining experience with a difference, perhaps consider Silks at Crown Casino next time. While the pricing is high end, it offer diners something different to what you can get here in Perth. There were some nice menu items, and some truly delicious items – in particular the toothfish and baked crab. I’d be interested to stop by sometime in the future for their Sunday dim sum special ($48 per person) as I’ve heard good things about their dumpling selection.
And if you’re worried about the prices for their dinner menu but still want to go, they offer early bird dining prices (I think around $80 per person for a banquet style feast) Sunday to Thursday 6pm – 7pm. It’s a cost effective way to try their food if you’re trying to avoid paying their higher prices.
A big thank you to Jeffery and the team at Silks who were our hosts for the night and treated us to all food and drink provided! I’ll definitely be reminiscing over that glorious toothfish for days and weeks to come I’m sure.