Texas Holdem Poker Queenstown

Texas Holdem Poker Queenstown Vegas World
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. Jun 30, 2015 Texas Hold'em Poker, $20 ENTRY POKER TOURNAMENT. Rebuy options available, up to $500 cash., Lone Star, Queenstown, Otago, 30 June 2015 - 19 August 2015, Do you sell tickets for an event, performance or venue? Sell more tickets faster with Eventfinda.

Texas Hold'em

APPT7 Queenstown: Kings up his sleeve gives Bredin an amazing victory!
Texas Holdem Poker Queenstown Odds
It's been an amazing week in Queenstown. The town has given us everything it has to offer and beyond. We couldn't ask for anything more, yet today's APPT Queenstown Main Event final table has delivered one of the most memorable final tables of all time. It was an enthralling affair from the get-go with many twist and turns, suckouts and bad beats. It also had some damn fine play. But the final twist would be one that none of us saw coming. Jonathan Bredin had a secret up his sleeve.